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Bernard Prusak

Professor - Smiley Chair in Business Ethics

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Boler College of Business 304

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Field(s) of Expertise

Business Ethics


Dr. Prusak is a philosopher with more than twenty-years experience of teaching at the university level. He was formerly Professor of Philosophy and Director of the McGowan Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at King’s College in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Previously, he taught humanities and social sciences in the Core Curriculum at Boston University and in the Center for Liberal Education at Villanova University, from which he moved to King’s in fall 2012 in order to found the McGowan Center. As director of the center, he hosted upwards of ten events per year, organized three major conferences, and taught business ethics and healthcare organizational ethics, among other activities.


  • Business ethics (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Healthcare ethics


Dr. Prusak’s scholarship focuses in moral and social philosophy. Much of his work can be described as public philosophy: he brings the conceptual tools and analytical style of philosophy to bear on questions of public interest and concern, not least questions arising in the world of business.

He is the author of two books: Parental Obligations and Bioethics: The Duties of a Creator (Routledge, 2013) and Catholic Moral Philosophy in Practice and Theory: An Introduction (Paulist, 2016). Together with Dr. Jennifer Reed-Bouley, he edited the volume Catholic Higher Education and Catholic Social Thought (Paulist, 2023). He has published dozens of articles in academic journals, and he writes frequently for publications like Commonweal, America, and National Catholic Reporter. He was the founding editor of Zeal: A Journal for the Liberal Arts; he has been guest editor of three issues of the Journal of Catholic Higher Education; and he is a member of the steering committee of the Catholic Social Thought Learning and Research Initiative, a collaboration of faculty and administrators from Catholic colleges and universities across the United States.