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Vocal Music

FA 109E – University Chapel Ensemble (1 cr.) — The University Chapel Ensemble is a vocal and instrumental group that offers liturgical music for liturgies and prayer services on campus. The ensemble will explore, prepare, and perform sacred and liturgical music literature from a variety of musical styles with a focus on contemporary liturgical and praise songs.

FA 156 – American Song: The Broadway Stage (1 cr.) — Explores the history and musical contributions of the American musical theatre. Study of vocal repertoire from the Broadway stage through weekly class discussion, analysis, and in-class performance.

Instrumental Music 

110A – JCU PEP BAND (0 cr.) –An ensemble that offers music to support the Blue Streaks’ athletic teams and enhance the atmosphere at their games. Musicians of all degrees of experience are welcome.

110B – JCU JAZZ ENSEMBLE (0-1 cr.) – An instrumental ensemble that plays an array of classic and contemporary stage band pieces in various styles. The jazz ensemble performs at concerts and special events on campus as well as at jazz festivals in the greater Cleveland area. Informal audition required.

110C – JCU WIND ENSEMBLE (0-1 cr.) – An instrumental ensemble that rehearses and performs music composed, transcribed, or arranged for woodwind instruments.Learn musical concepts and woodwind technique through regular rehearsal and study in an ensemble atmosphere. Informal audition required.

110D – STRING ENSEMBLE (0-1 cr.) – An instrumental ensemble that prepares and performs music composed, transcribed, or arranged for strings. Literature from a variety of musical periods and traditions is explored in a weekly rehearsal environment. Improve your playing technique while creating music in a group setting. Informal audition required.

Applied Music Classes 

FA 112A – Beginning Classroom Guitar (1 cr.) — Introduction to various guitar styles with an emphasis on reading music and beginning guitar technique. Basic music theory is introduced.

FA 112B – Intermediate Classroom Guitar (1 cr.) — A continuing analysis and applied study of guitar styles and music theory. Guitar study at the intermediate level offers a focus on guitar chords and their application in all styles of music. Classical, folk, pop, and jazz styles are introduced. The study of music theory and its related chord progressions is continued. Placement audition is required.

FA 112C – Advanced Classroom Guitar (1 cr.) — A refinement of applied guitar styles, including classical guitar, is offered along with advanced music theory and its application. Placement audition is required.

If you are interested in any of these guitar courses, contact James Carr at jcarr@jcu.edu.

FA 115 – CLASS VOICE (1-2 cr.) – The art of vocal production with individual attention in a class setting. Fundamentals of singing: posture, breathing, tone production, song interpretation, and diction. Students are required to give several solo performances in class during the semester.

FA 120A – APPLIED VOICE (1-3 cr.) – Weekly individual instruction in voice.Individual vocal technique is addressed through breathing, vocalization, and a general understanding of the physiological properties of the vocal mechanism. Permission required.

FA 121 – APPLIED GUITAR (1-3 cr.) – Weekly individual instruction in guitar. Development of guitar technique as it relates to the individual student. Various guitar styles are offered with an emphasis on note reading and technique as assessed for the individual student. Permission required.

FA 122 – APPLIED PIANO (1-3cr.) – Weekly individual instruction in piano. Musical and technical skills are addressed with a focus on developing musicianship, listening skills, piano technique, and good practice habits as they pertain to the study of the piano while building a repertoire and performance capabilities. Permission required.

FA 123 – APPLIED ORGAN (1-3 cr.) – Weekly individual instruction in organ. Musicaland technical skills are addressed with a focus on developing musicianship, listeningskills, organ technique, and registration with good practice habits as they pertainto the study of the organ while building a repertoire and performance capabilities.Permission required.

FA 124A – LITURGICAL KEYBOARD I (1-3 cr.) – Basic keyboard and accompanying skills with a focus on their application in a liturgical setting. Students study and play music from a variety of genres, including classical, hymnody, contemporary music, and praise songs. Accompanying service music and acclamations as well as sight-reading are addressed. Practicum includes attendance and playing at one of the JCU weekend liturgies Permission required.

FA 124B – LITURGICAL KEYBOARD II (1-3 cr.) – Builds on the skills developed in Liturgical Keyboard I with focus on ways to encourage and enhance congregational singing from the keyboard. Introduces chant and choral octavo accompaniments. Practicum includes attendance and playing at one of the JCU weekend liturgies with chorus. Permission required.

FA 125 – DIRECTED INSTRUMENTAL/VOCAL STUDY (1-3 cr.) – Applied instrumental/vocal study with a performance venue studio class for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students. Includes 30 minutes of scheduled individual applied instruction each week along with one weekly gathering of all applied students for performance opportunities. Applied fee.

If you are interested in any of the above classes, contact Cynthia Caporella, Ph.D., Director of Liturgical Music and Musical Arts, at (216) 397-4721 or ccaporella@jcu.edu.